Sterinborgh piano since made the first piano, immediately with its superior quality...
German Sterinborgh piano, with high-end quality by Beginning  - Using German company technology data, since the first piano made, Sterinborgh piano is famous for its superior quality,

Horizontal Flügel-GP170
    Price:[EUR] 69500
    Specifications: GP170
    Type: Horizontal Flügel

Horizontal Flügel-GP159R
    Price:[EUR] 59880
    Specifications: 1590/1800-1550-1120
    Type: Horizontal Flügel
< 1 2 3 4 >  4/4

YourCompany◎ 2005 •Sterinborgh Piano’s musical Instruments factory
The total distribution of address: 605#sales senter ,Songbai sun garden number 502,Xiamen ,China

FUnified national telephone: 400-6600-430
The switchboard: (86)592-5065065/5065068
Fax: (86)592-5065068Sales
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